Liechtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt
Jahrgang 2011 Nr. 464 ausgegeben am 7. Oktober 2011
vom 4. Oktober 2011
über Massnahmen gegenüber Personen und Organisationen mit Verbindungen zu den Taliban
Aufgrund von Art. 2 des Gesetzes vom 10. Dezember 2008 über die Durchsetzung internationaler Sanktionen (ISG), LGBl. 2009 Nr. 41, unter Einbezug der aufgrund des Zollvertrages anwendbaren schweizerischen Rechtsvorschriften und in Ausführung der Resolutionen 1452 (2002) vom 20. Dezember 2002, 1735 (2006) vom 22. Dezember 2006, 1988 (2011) vom 17. Juni 2011 und 2082 (2012) vom 17. Dezember 2012 des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen1 verordnet die Regierung:2
I. Zwangsmassnahmen
Art. 1
Verbot der Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern und verwandtem Material
1) Die Lieferung, der Verkauf und die Vermittlung von Rüstungsgütern jeder Art, einschliesslich Waffen und Munition, Militärfahrzeuge und -ausrüstung, paramilitärische Ausrüstung sowie Zubehör und Ersatzteile dafür, an die im Anhang erwähnten natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen sind verboten.
2) Die Gewährung, der Verkauf und die Vermittlung von technischer Beratung, Hilfe oder Ausbildung im Zusammenhang mit militärischen Tätigkeiten an die im Anhang erwähnten natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen sind verboten.
3) Vorbehalten bleiben die Bestimmungen der in Liechtenstein anwendbaren schweizerischen Kriegsmaterial-, Güterkontroll- und Embargogesetzgebung.
Art. 2
Sperrung von Geldern und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen
1) Gesperrt sind Gelder und wirtschaftliche Ressourcen, die sich ganz oder teilweise im Eigentum oder unter der direkten oder indirekten Kontrolle befinden:3
a) der natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen nach dem Anhang;
b) der natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen, die im Namen oder auf Anweisung der natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen nach Bst. a handeln.
2) Es ist verboten, den von der Sperrung betroffenen natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen Gelder zu überweisen oder Gelder und wirtschaftliche Ressourcen sonst wie direkt oder indirekt zur Verfügung zu stellen.4
3) Die Regierung kann nach Meldung an den zuständigen Ausschuss des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen, in Übereinstimmung mit den Beschlüssen dieses Ausschusses oder zur Wahrung liechtensteinischer Interessen Zahlungen aus gesperrten Konten, Übertragungen gesperrter Vermögenswerte sowie die Freigabe gesperrter wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen ausnahmsweise bewilligen. Entsprechende Gesuche sind bei der Stabsstelle FIU einzureichen.
Art. 3
In dieser Verordnung bedeuten:
a) Taliban: die "Taliban", "Taleban" oder "Islamic Movement of Taliban", einschliesslich deren Gesellschaften, Unternehmungen, Einrichtungen, Körperschaften und Untergruppen, die sich im Besitz oder unter der Kontrolle der Taliban befinden;
b) Gelder: finanzielle Vermögenswerte, einschliesslich Bargeld, Schecks, Geldforderungen, Wechsel, Geldanweisungen oder andere Zahlungsmittel, Guthaben, Schulden und Schuldenverpflichtungen, Wertpapiere und Schuldtitel, Wertpapierzertifikate, Obligationen, Schuldscheine, Optionsscheine, Pfandbriefe, Derivate; Zinserträge, Dividenden oder andere Einkünfte oder Wertzuwächse aus Vermögenswerten; Kredite, Rechte auf Verrechnung, Bürgschaften, Vertragserfüllungsgarantien oder andere finanzielle Zusagen; Akkreditive, Konnossemente, Sicherungsübereignungen, Dokumente zur Verbriefung von Anteilen an Fondsvermögen oder anderen Finanzressourcen und jedes andere Finanzierungsinstrument für Exporte;
c) Sperrung von Geldern: die Verhinderung jeder Handlung, welche die Verwaltung oder die Nutzung der Gelder ermöglicht, mit Ausnahme von normalen Verwaltungshandlungen von Banken und Wertpapierfirmen;
d) wirtschaftliche Ressourcen: Vermögenswerte jeder Art, unabhängig davon, ob sie materiell oder immateriell, beweglich oder unbeweglich sind, insbesondere Immobilien und Luxusgüter, mit Ausnahme von Geldern nach Bst. b;
e) Sperrung wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen: die Verhinderung ihrer Verwendung zum Erwerb von Geldern, Waren oder Dienstleistungen, einschliesslich des Verkaufs, des Vermietens oder des Verpfändens solcher Ressourcen.
Art. 4
Einreise und Durchreise
1) Die Einreise in Liechtenstein oder die Durchreise durch Liechtenstein ist den im Anhang aufgeführten natürlichen Personen verboten.
2) Die Regierung kann in Übereinstimmung mit den Beschlüssen des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen Ausnahmen gewähren. Entsprechende Gesuche sind beim Ausländer- und Passamt einzureichen.
II. Vollzug und Strafbestimmungen
Art. 5
Kontrolle und Vollzug
1) Die Stabsstelle FIU überwacht den Vollzug der Zwangsmassnahmen nach den Art. 1 und 2. Sie prüft insbesondere die Gesuche um Ausnahmebewilligungen und leitet sie - erforderlichenfalls nach Konsultation weiterer betroffener Stellen - mit ihrer Empfehlung an die Regierung weiter.
2) Das Ausländer- und Passamt überwacht den Vollzug des Ein- und Durchreiseverbots nach Art. 4. Es prüft insbesondere die Gesuche um Ausnahmebewilligungen und leitet sie - erforderlichenfalls nach Konsultation weiterer betroffener Stellen - mit seiner Empfehlung an die Regierung weiter.
3) Die zuständigen liechtensteinischen Behörden ergreifen die für die Sperrung wirtschaftlicher Ressourcen notwendigen Massnahmen, zum Beispiel die Anmerkung einer Verfügungssperre im Grundbuch oder die Pfändung oder Versiegelung von Luxusgütern.
4) Die Zuständigkeit der schweizerischen Behörden bleibt vorbehalten.
Art. 6
1) Personen und Institutionen, die Gelder halten oder verwalten oder von wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen wissen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie unter die Sperrung nach Art. 2 Abs. 1 fallen, müssen dies der Stabsstelle FIU unverzüglich melden.
2) Die Meldungen müssen die Namen der Begünstigten sowie Gegenstand und Wert der gesperrten Gelder und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen enthalten.
Art. 7
1) Wer gegen Art. 1, 2 oder 4 verstösst, wird nach Art. 10 ISG bestraft, soweit nicht Strafbestimmungen der in Liechtenstein anwendbaren schweizerischen Kriegsmaterial-, Güterkontroll- und Embargogesetzgebung zur Anwendung gelangen.
2) Wer gegen Art. 5 verstösst, wird nach Art. 11 ISG bestraft.
III. Schlussbestimmung
Art. 8
Diese Verordnung tritt am Tage der Kundmachung in Kraft.

Fürstliche Regierung:

gez. Dr. Klaus Tschütscher

Fürstlicher Regierungschef
(Art. 1, 2 Abs. 1 und 2 und Art. 4)
Natürliche und juristische Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen, gegen welche sich die Massnahmen gemäss Art. 1, 2 und 4 richten
Die Namensliste umfasst folgende 2 Abschnitte:
A. Liste der natürlichen Personen, welche mit den Taliban in Verbindung gebracht werden
B. Liste der Organisationen, welche mit den Taliban in Verbindung gebracht werden
Jeder aufgeführten natürlichen Person und jeder Organisation ist eine fixe Referenznummer zugewiesen. Eine solche setzt sich aus drei Buchstaben und zwei Ziffern zusammen. Der erste Buchstabe "T" steht für Taliban. Der zweite Buchstabe "I" oder "E" gibt an, ob es sich um eine natürliche Person (I) oder eine Organisation (E) handelt. Der dritte Buchstabe der Referenznummer entspricht dem Anfangsbuchstaben des Familiennamens einer natürlichen Person bzw. dem Anfangsbuchstaben des Namens einer Organisation. Die Liste ist somit alphabetisch geordnet. Die erste Ziffer der Referenznummer zeigt an, um den wievielten Listeneintrag des Sanktionskomitees es sich handelt. Die zweite Ziffer gibt das Jahr der Auflistung an.
Die originalsprachliche Schreibung gewisser Namen ist unter folgender Internetadresse abrufbar:
Zusätzliche Informationen aus der Zusammenfassung der Gründe für die Aufnahme in die konsolidierte Liste können, soweit vorhanden, unter folgender Internetadresse abgerufen werden:
Die Namen der natürlichen Personen und Organisationen, die von der Liste gestrichen wurden, können unter folgender Internetadresse abgerufen werden: http://www.un.org/sc/committees/1988/pressreleases.shtml
Natürliche Personen
Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, Name 4: Die Namen der natürlichen Personen sind im Anhang in der Reihenfolge aufgeführt, in welcher sie in einem Pass erscheinen. Für jede natürliche Person stehen vier verschiedene Namensfelder zur Verfügung, um so den Identifizierungsregeln für arabische Namen Rechnung zu tragen. Werden vier Namen angegeben, so gilt folgende Regel: Name 1 entspricht dem Vornamen, Name 2 entspricht dem Namen des Vaters, Name 3 entspricht dem Namen des Grossvaters und Name 4 entspricht dem Familiennamen. Oft weist eine Person weniger als vier Namen auf. Wenn immer möglich, erscheint der Familienname in Fettdruck und dies unabhängig vom Feld, in dem er aufgeführt ist. Eine Person kann aus mehreren Gründen weniger als vier Namen haben: a) fehlende Information zum vollständigen Namen der Person b) die im Herkunftsland der betroffenen Person geltende Identifizierungsregeln können nicht sämtliche der sonst für arabische Namen üblichen vier Namensteile vorsehen. Es ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass die Transliteration von arabischen und anderen Namen in das lateinische Alphabet einige Variationen hervorrufen kann. Es wird daher ausdrücklich empfohlen, die Namen mit anderen im Anhang aufgeführten Identifikationsmerkmalen zu ergänzen.
Titel: Ehrentitel, berufliche oder religiöse Titel.
Bezeichnung: Offizielle Funktion.
DOB ("Date of birth")
Geboren am: Geburtsdatum, inkl. allfälliger anderer Daten.
POB ("Place of birth")
Ort: Geburtsort, inkl. allfällige andere Orte.
Good quality a.k.a. (a.k.a = "also known as")
Zweifelloser Deckname: Alias (auch bekannt als), Deckname, welcher zur zweifellosen Identifizierung der betroffenen Person ausreicht.
Low quality a.k.a. (a.k.a = "also known as")
Zweifelhafter Deckname: Alias (auch bekannt als), Deckname, welcher zur zweifellosen Identifizierung der betroffenen Person wahrscheinlich nicht ausreicht.
Nationalität: Bezeichnet die Staatsangehörigkeit/Nationalität.
Passport no.
Pass No: Passnummer(n).
National identification no.
Nationale Identifikationsnummer: Nationale Identifikationsnummer (zum Beispiel Nummer für Identitätskarte, Nummer für Sozialversicherungsausweis, usw.)
Adresse: Bezeichnet den/die permanenten oder vorübergehenden (legalen oder illegalen) Wohnort(e) des Betroffenen.
Listed on
Eingetragen am: Zeitpunkt, an welchem der Name in die UNO-Liste übernommen wurde.
Other information
Andere Informationen: Angaben, welche zusätzlich zu den unter den anderen Rubriken erwähnten aufgeführt werden.
Na ("not available")
Nicht verfügbar: Angaben, welche nicht verfügbar sind.
Name: Name der Organisation.
A.k.a. ("Also known as")
Deckname: Alias (auch bekannt als).
F.k.a. ("Formerly known as")
Ehemaliger Name: Ehemals bekannt unter.
Adresse: Adresse, wo die Organisation ansässig ist oder über Aussenstellen verfügt.
Listed on
Eingetragen am: Zeitpunkt, an welchem der Name in die UNO-Liste übernommen wurde.
Other information
Andere Informationen: Angaben, welche zusätzlich zu den unter den anderen Rubriken erwähnten aufgeführt werden.
na ("not available")
Nicht verfügbar: Angaben, welche nicht verfügbar sind.
Liste der natürlichen Personen, welche mit den Taliban in Verbindung gebracht werden
Name: 1: ABDUL AZIZ 2: ABBASIN 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1969 POB: Sheykhan Village, Pirkowti Area, Orgun District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Aziz Mahsud Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 4 Oct. 2011 Other information: Key commander in the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.) under Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.). Taliban Shadow Governor for Orgun District, Paktika Province as of early 2010. Operated a training camp for non-Afghan fighters in Paktika Province. Has been involved in the transport of weapons to Afghanistan.
Name: 1: ABDUL BAQI 2: BASIR 3: AWAL SHAH 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: a) Governor of Khost and Paktika provinces under the Taliban regime b) Vice-Minister of Information and Culture under the Taliban regime c) Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1960-1962 POB: a) Jalalabad City, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan b) Shinwar District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Baqi (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 7 Sep. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Taliban member responsible for Nangarhar Province as at 2008. Until 7 Sep. 2007 he was also listed under number TI.A.48.01. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Title: a) General b) Maulavi Designation: Military Attache, Taliban Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan DOB: 1964 POB: a) Surkh Rod District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan b) Hisarak District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdul Qadir b) Ahmad Haji c) Abdul Qadir Haqqani d) Abdul Qadir Basir Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000974 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 23 Apr. 2007, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Financial advisor to Taliban Peshawar Military Council and Head of Taliban Peshawar Financial Commission. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AMIR 2: ABDULLAH 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: Former Kandahar Province Deputy Taliban Governor DOB: Approximately 1972 POB: Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Amir Abdullah Sahib Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Karachi, Pakistan Listed on: 20 Jul. 2010 (amended on 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Has travelled to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the United Arab Emirates to raise funds for the Taliban. Treasurer to Abdul Ghani Baradar Abdul Ahmad Turk (TI.B.24.01). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area.
Name: 1: ABDUL MANAN 2: MOHAMMAD ISHAK 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) First Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia b) Commercial Attache, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates DOB: 1940-1941 POB: Siyachoy village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 15 Aug. 2012) Other information: Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL SATAR 2: ABDUL MANAN 3: na 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: 1964 POB: a) Mirmandaw village, Nahr-e Saraj District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Mirmadaw village, Gereshk District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan c) Qilla Abdullah, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Abdul Sattar Barakzai b) Haji Abdul Satar c) Haji Satar Barakzai d) Abdulasattar Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: Pakistan passport number AM5421691 expires on 11 Aug. 2013 National identification no.: a) Pakistan National Identification number 5420250161699 b) Afghan National Identification number 585629 Address: a) Kachray Road, Pashtunabad, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan b) Nasrullah Khan Chowk, Pashtunabad Area, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan c) Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan d) Abdul Satar Food Shop, Ayno Mina 0093, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Listed on: 29 Jun. 2012 Other information: Co-owner of Haji Khairullah Haji Sattar Money Exchange (TE.H.1.12.) and associated also with Khairullah Barakzai (TI.K.163.12.). Belongs to Barakzai tribe. Father's name is Hajji 'Abd-al-Manaf.
Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: AGHA 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Chief Justice of Military Court under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: a) Afghan b) Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AHMAD 2: ZIA 3: AGHA 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: 1974 POB: Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Zia Agha b) Noor Ahmad c) Noor Ahmed Low quality a.k.a.: Sia Agha Sayeed Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Jan. 2012 Other information: Senior Taliban official with military and financial responsibilities as at 2011. Leader of the Taliban's Military Council as of 2010. In 2008 and 2009, served as a Taliban finance officer and distributed money to Taliban commanders in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area.
Name: 1: JANAN 2: AGHA 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Governor of Faryab Province under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1958 b) Approximately 1953 POB: Tirin Kot city, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdullah Jan Agha Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council and advisor to Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01) as at June 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Sadat ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Director of the Passport and Visa Department in the Ministry of Interiorunder the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1966 b) Approximately 1969 POB: Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Sayed Mohammad Azim Agha b) Agha Saheb Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: SAYYED GHIASSOUDDINE 2: AGHA 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Education Minister under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1961 POB: Kohistan District, Faryab Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Sayed Ghias b) Sayed Ghiasuddin Sayed Ghousuddin c) Sayyed Ghayasudin Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 1 Feb. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Faryab, Jawzjan, Sari Pul and Balkh Provinces, Afghanistan as at June 2010. Involved in drug trafficking. Member of Taliban Supreme Council and Taliban Military Council as at December 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Sadat ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: AHMADI 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Mullah b) Haji Designation: a) President of Central Bank (Da Afghanistan Bank) under the Taliban regime b) Minister of Finance under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a) Daman District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Kakar tribe. He is a member of the Taliban Supreme Council. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: Mullah Designation: Governor of Samangan Province under the Taliban regime DOB: 1956-1957 POB: Charmistan village, Tirin Kot District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mohammad Shafiq Ahmadi (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 1 Jun. 2012, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Taliban Shadow Governor for Uruzgan Province as of late 2012.Belongs to Hottak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AHMADULLAH 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: Qari Designation: Minister of Security (Intelligence) under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1975 b) Approximately 1965 POB: a) Khogyani area, Qarabagh District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan b) Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmadulla b) Mohammad Ahmadullah Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Reportedly deceased in Dec. 2001. Belonged to Khogyani tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 20 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL BARI 2: AKHUND 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: Governor of Helmand Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: a) Baghran District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Now Zad District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Haji Mullah Sahib Low quality a.k.a.: Zakir Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Member of the Taliban Supreme Council as of 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Alokozai tribe. Member of Taliban leadership in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Water and Electricity under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1953 and 1958 POB: a) Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Tirin Kot District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Ahmad Jan b) Ahmed Jan Akhund (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Military Council as at 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ATTIQULLAH 2: AKHUND 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Agriculture under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Shah Wali Kot District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Military Council as well as Taliban Supreme Council as at June 2010. Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name:1: MOHAMMAD 2: AMAN 3: AKHUND 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1970 POB: Bande Tumur Village, Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mohammed Aman b) Mullah Mohammed Oman c) Mullah Mohammad Aman Ustad Noorzai Low quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Mad Aman Ustad Noorzai b) Sanaullah Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Jan. 2012 (amended on 18 May 2012, 27 Jun. 2013) Other information: Senior Taliban member as at 2011 with financial duties, including raising funds on behalf of the leadership. Has provided logistical support for Taliban operations and channeled proceeds from drug trafficking to arms purchases. Has acted as secretary to Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01.) and as his messenger at senior-level meetings of the Taliban. Also associated with Gul Agha Ishakzai (TI.I.147.10.). Member of Mullah Mohammed Omar's (TI.O.4.01.) inner circle during the Taliban regime.
Title: Mullah Designation: Head of Ariana Afghan Airlines under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1972 and 1973 POB: a) Sarpolad village, Washer District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Janat Gul b) Hamidullah Akhund (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Afghanistan Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Belongs to Ghilzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: HASSAN 3: AKHUND 4: na
Title: a) Mullah b) Haji Designation: a) First Deputy, Council of Ministers under the Taliban regime b) Foreign Minister under the Taliban regime c) Governor of Kandahar under the Taliban regime d) Political Advisor of Mullah Mohammed Omar DOB: a) Approximately 1955-1958 b) Approximately 1945-1950 POB: Pashmul village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 20 Dec. 2005, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: A close associate of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01). Member of Taliban Supreme Council as at Dec. 2009. Belongs to Kakar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ABBAS 2: AKHUND 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Minister of Public Health under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Khas Uruzgan District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council in charge of the Medical Committee as of Jan. 2011. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Barakzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ESSA 2: AKHUND 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Alhaj b) Mullah Designation: Minister of Water, Sanitation and Electricity under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Mial area, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Mullah b) Hadji c) Maulavi Designation: Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1968 b) 1969 POB: a) Sangisar village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan c) Nalgham area, Zheray District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Obaidullah Akhund b) Obaid Ullah Akhund Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 18 May 2012) Other information: He was one of the deputies of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.0.4.01) and a member of the Taliban's Supreme Council, in charge of military operations. Arrested in 2007 and was in custody in Pakistan . Reportedly deceased in March 2010. Linked by marriage to Saleh Mohammad Kakar Akhtar Muhammad (TI.K.149.10). Belonged to Alokozai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: Governor of Zabol and Uruzgan Provinces under the Taliban regime DOB: 1966-1967 POB: a) Lablan village, Dehrawood District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan b) Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmad Jan Akhunzada b) Ahmad Jan Akhund Zada Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011, 1 Jun. 2012) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan, as at early 2007. Brother-in-law of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD ESHAQ 2: AKHUNZADA 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Laghman Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1963 and 1968 POB: Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mohammad Ishaq Akhund born in 1963 Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Taliban commander for Ghazni Province as at 2008. Belongs to Andar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AGHA 2: JAN 3: ALIZAI 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: a) 15 Oct. 1963 b) 14 Feb. 1973 c) 1967 d) Approximately 1957 POB: a) Hitemchai village, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Agha Jan Alizai b) Hajji Agha Jan c) Agha Jan Alazai d) Haji Loi Lala e) Loi Agha f) Abdul Habib Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 4 Nov. 2010 (amended on 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Has managed a drug trafficking network in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Has regularly travelled to Pakistan.
Name: 1: ALLAH DAD 2: MATI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Minister of Urban Developmentunder the Taliban regime b) President of Central Bank (Da Afghanistan Bank) under the Taliban regime c) Head of Ariana Afghan Airlines under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1953 b) Approximately 1960 POB: Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Allahdad (previously listed as) b) Shahidwror Low quality a.k.a.: Akhund Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: One foot lost in landmine explosion. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AMINULLAH 2: AMIN 3: QUDDUS 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Saripul Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Loy Karez village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Muhammad Yusuf b) Aminullah Amin (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council as at 2011. Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SADIQ 2: AMIR MOHAMMAD 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Alhaj b) Maulavi Designation: Head of Afghan Trade Agency, Peshawar, Pakistan DOB: 1934 POB: a) Ghazni Province, Afghanistan b) Logar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number SE 011252 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 23 Apr. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Reportedly deceased. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MUHAMMAD 2: TAHER 3: ANWARI 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Director of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Minister of Finance under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1961 POB: Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mohammad Taher Anwari b) Muhammad Tahir Anwari c) Mohammad Tahre Anwari Low quality a.k.a.: Haji Mudir Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Andar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AREFULLAH 2: AREF 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Deputy Minister of Finance under the Taliban regime b) Governor of Ghazni Province under the Taliban regime c) Governor of Paktia Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: a) Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan b) Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Andar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue under the Taliban regime b) Secretary General of the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1967 POB: Qalayi Shaikh, Chaparhar District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Esmatullah Asem b) Asmatullah Asem c) Sayed Esmatullah Asem (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Member of the Taliban's Supreme Council as of May 2007. Believed to be in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Member of the Taliban Peshawar Shura. Responsible for Afghan Taliban activity in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas, Pakistan as at 2008. A leading expert in IED and suicide attacks as of 2012. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: ATIQULLAH 2: WALI MOHAMMAD 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Haji b) Mullah Designation: Deputy Minister of Public Works under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1962 POB: a) Tirin Kot District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan b) Khwaja Malik village,Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Atiqullah (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 19 Oct. 2012) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council Political Commission as at 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Alizai tribe. Brother of Abdul Jalil Haqqani Wali Mohammad (TI.A.34.01). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AZIZIRAHMAN 2: ABDUL AHAD 3: na 4: na
Title: Mr Designation: Third Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates DOB: 1972 POB: Shega District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 44323 Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Hotak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: Mullah Designation: Deputy Minister of Defence under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Yatimak village, Dehrawood District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Baradar Akhund b) Abdul Ghani Baradar, (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Arrested in Feb. 2010 and in custody in Pakistan. Extradition request to Afghanistan pending in Lahore High Court, Pakistan as of June 2011. Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Senior Taliban military commander and member of Taliban Quetta Council as of May 2007. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: SHAHABUDDIN 2: DELAWAR 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy of High Court under the Taliban regime DOB: a) 1957 b) 1953 POB: Logar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number OA296623 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Deputy Head of Taliban Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia until 25 Sept. 1998. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: DOST MOHAMMAD 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Mullah b) Maulavi Designation: Governor of Ghazni Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Nawi Deh village, Daman District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Doost Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Associated with Mullah Jalil Haqqani (TI.H.34.01). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD AZAM 2: ELMI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Mines and Industries under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Sayd Karam District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Muhammad Azami Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Reportedly deceased in 2005. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: FAIZ 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Head of the Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1969 POB: Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: BAKHT 2: GUL 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1980 POB: Aki Village, Zadran District, Paktiya Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Bakhta Gul b) Bakht Gul Bahar c) Shuqib Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Miram Shah, North Waziristan, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan Listed on: 27 Jun. 2012 Other information: Communications assistant to Badruddin Haqqani (TI.H.151.11). Also coordinates movement of Haqqani insurgents, foreign fighters and weapons in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Zadran tribe.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Public Works under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Dara Kolum, Do Aab District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Rostam Nuristani Low quality a.k.a.: Hanafi Sahib Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 18 May 2012, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, as of May 2007. Belongs to Nuristani tribe. Reportedly deceased in early 2012. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: GUL AHMAD 2: HAKIMI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Commercial Attache, Taliban Consulate General, Karachi, Pakistan DOB: 1964 POB: a) Logar Province, Afghanistan b) Kabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Consul General, Taliban Consulate General, Quetta, Pakistan DOB: 1972 POB: Darweshan village, Hazar Juft area, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: al-Hammad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000857, issued on 20 Nov. 1997 National identification no.: Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 300786 Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Baloch ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: HAMDULLAH 2: ALLAH NOOR 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Repatriation Attache, Taliban Consulate General, Quetta, Pakistan DOB: 1973 POB: District Number 6, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: Afghan identification card (tazkira) number 4414 Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Baloch ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010. Alternative Title: Hafiz.
Name: 1: DIN MOHAMMAD 2: HANIF 3: na 4: na
Title: Qari Designation: a) Minister of Planning under the Taliban regime b) Minister of Higher Education under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1955 POB: Shakarlab village, Yaftali Pain District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Qari Din Mohammad b) Iadena Mohammad, born 1 Jan. 1969 in Badakhshan, Nationality: Afghan Passport number OA 454044 Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 25 Oct. 2012) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council responsible for Takhar and Badakhshan provinces. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a) Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdul Jalil Akhund b) Mullah Akhtar, born in 1965 in Kandahar, Afghanistan passport number OR 1961825 issued on 4 Feb. 2003 by the Afghan Consulate in Quetta, Pakistan, expired 2 Feb. 2006 c) Abdul Jalil Haqqani (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: Nazar Jan Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Member of the Taliban Supreme Council as of May 2007. Member of the Financial Commission of the Taliban Council. Brother of Atiqullah Wali Mohammad (TI.A.70.01). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Planning under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1957 POB: Alingar District, Laghman Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Ezatullah Haqqani (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Peshawar Shura as of 2008. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: 1965 POB: a) Zumbaleh village, Nahr-e Saraj District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Mirmadaw village, Gereshk District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan c) Qilla Abdullah, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Khairullah b) Haji Khair Ullah c) Haji Kheirullah d) Haji Karimullah e) Haji Khair Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: Pakistan passport number BP4199631 expires on 25 Jun. 2014 National identification no.: Pakistan National Identification number 5440005229635 Address: Abdul Manan Chowk, Pashtunabad, Quetta, Baluchistan Province Listed on: 29 Jun. 2012 Other information: Co-owner of Haji Khairullah Haji Sattar Money Exchange (TE.H.1.12.) and associated also with Abdul Satar Abdul Manan (TI.A.162.12.). Belongs to Barakzai tribe. Father's name is Haji Khudai Nazar. Alternative father's name is Nazar Mohammad.
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: Between 1975 and 1976 POB: a) Minar village, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Darweshan Village, Garmser District, Helmand Province Good quality a.k.a.: a) Muhammad Qasim b) Abdul Salam Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: a) Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 57388 issued in Lashkar Gah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Residential card number 665, Ayno Maina, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Address: a) Wesh, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Safaar Bazaar, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan c) Room number 33, 5th Floor Sarafi Market, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Listed on: 21 Nov. 2012 Other information: Owner of Rahat Ltd. (TE.R.13.12.). Involved in the supply of weapons for Taliban, including improvised explosive devices (IED). Arrested in 2012 and in custody in Afghanistan as of January 2013. Associated with Rahat Ltd. (TE.R.13.12.).
Name: 1: JALALUDDIN 2: HAQQANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Frontier Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1942 b) Approximately 1948 POB: a) Garda Saray area, Waza Zadran District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan b) Neka District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Jalaluddin Haqani b) Jallalouddin Haqqani c) Jallalouddine Haqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 1 Feb. 2008, 31 Jul. 2008, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Father of Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani ( TI.H.144.07.), Nasiruddin Haqqani (TI.H.146.10) and Badruddin Haqqani (TI.H.151.11). Brother of Mohammad Ibrahim Omari (TI.O.42.01) and Khalil Ahmed Haqqani (TI.H.150.11). He is an active Taliban leader. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Head of the Taliban Miram Shah Shura as at 2008. Belongs to Zadran tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: KHALIL 2: AHMED 3: HAQQANI 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: a) 1 Jan. 1966 b) Between 1958 and 1964 POB: Sarana Village, Garda Saray area, Waza Zadran District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Khalil Al-Rahman Haqqani b) Khalil ur Rahman Haqqani c) Khaleel Haqqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Peshawar, Pakistan b) Near Dergey Manday Madrasa in Dergey Manday Village, near Miram Shah, North Waziristan Agency (NWA), Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan c) Kayla Village, near Miram Shah, North Waziristan Agency (NWA), Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Pakistan d) Sarana Zadran Village, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Listed on: 9 Feb. 2011 (amended on 1 Jun. 2012) Other information: Senior member of the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.), which operates out of North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Has previously traveled to, and raised funds in, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Brother of Jalaluddin Haqqani (TI.H.40.01.) and uncle of Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.).
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Deputy Minister of Haj and Religious Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Deputy Minister of Higher Education under the Taliban regime DOB: 1965 POB: Gorgan village, Pul-e-Khumri District, Baghlan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Moslim Haqqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 1136 issued Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Ethnic Pashtun from Baghlan Province. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SALIM 2: HAQQANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1966-1967 POB: Alingar District, Laghman Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Deputy Commander of Ezatullah Haqqani Khan Sayyid (TI.H.64.01) as at Mar. 2010. Member of Taliban Peshawar Military Council as at June 2010. Belongs to Pashai ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: NASIRUDDIN 2: HAQQANI 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: Approximately 1970-1973 POB: Neka District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Dr. Alim Ghair b) Naseer Haqqani c) Dr. Naseer Haqqani d) Nassir Haqqani e) Nashir Haqqani Low quality a.k.a.: a) Naseruddin Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Pakistan Listed on: 20 Jul. 2010 (amended on 29 Jul. 2011, 18 May 2012, 27 Jun. 2013) Other information: A leader of the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.), which operates out of North Waziristan in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Son of Jalaluddin Haqqani (TI.H.40.01). Has travelled to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to raise funds for the Taliban.
Name: 1: SAYYED MOHAMMED 2: HAQQANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Director of Administrative Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Head of Information and Culture in Kandahar Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1965 POB: Chaharbagh village, Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Sayyed Mohammad Haqqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 20 Dec. 2005, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Graduate of the Haqqaniya madrasa in Akora Khattak, Pakistan. Believed to have had close relations with Taliban Leader Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Member of Taliban Supreme Council as at June 2010. Belongs to Barakzay tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Title: na Designation: Na'ib Amir (Deputy Commander) DOB: Approximately 1977/1978 POB: a) Danda, Miramshah, North Waziristan, Pakistan b) Srana village, Garda Saray district, Paktia province, Afghanistan c) Neka district, Paktika province, Afghanistan d) Khost province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Siraj Haqqani b) Serajuddin Haqani c) Siraj Haqani d) Saraj Haqani Low quality a.k.a.: Khalifa Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Kela neighborhood/Danda neighborhood, Miramshah, North Waziristan, Pakistan b) Manba'ul uloom Madrasa, Miramshah, North Waziristan, Pakistan c) Dergey Manday Madrasa, Miramshah, North Waziristan, Pakistan Listed on: 13 Sep. 2007 Other information: Heading the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.) as of late 2012. Son of Jallaloudine Haqani (TI.H.40.01.). Belongs to Sultan Khel section, Zadran tribe of Garda Saray of Paktia province, Afghanistan. Believed to be in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL HAI 2: HAZEM 3: ABDUL QADER 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: First Secretary, Taliban Consulate General, Quetta, Pakistan DOB: 1971 POB: Pashawal Yargatoo village, Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Hai Hazem (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 0001203 National identification no.: na Address: a) Iltifat village, Shakardara District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan b) Puli Charkhi Area, District Number 9, Kabul City, Kabul Province Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: HIDAYATULLAH 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation and Tourismunder the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abu Turab Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 8 Mar. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 28 Feb. 2008, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Ghilzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: AHMAD 3: HOTTAK 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Deputy (Cultural) Minister of Information and Culture under the Taliban regime b) Head of Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1957 POB: Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Hottak Sahib Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Hottak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Finance under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1964 b) 1969 POB: Moni village, Shigal District, Kunar Province Good quality a.k.a.: Najibullah Haqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Cousin of Moulavi Noor Jalal (TI.J.56.01). Taliban member responsible for Laghman Province as of late 2010. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: GUL 2: AGHA 3: ISHAKZAI 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: Approximately 1972 POB: Band-e-Timor, Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Gul Agha b) Mullah Gul Agha Akhund Low quality a.k.a.: a) Hidayatullah b) Haji Hidayatullah c) Hayadatullah Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Pakistan Listed on: 20 Jul. 2010 (amended on 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of a Taliban Council that coordinates the collection of zakat (Islamic tax) from Baluchistan Province, Pakistan. Head of Taliban Financial Commission. Associated with Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01). Served as Omar's principal finance officer and one of his closest advisors. Belongs to Ishaqzai tribe.
Name: 1: QUDRATULLAH 2: JAMAL 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Information under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Gardez, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Haji Sahib Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council and member of Taliban Cultural Commission as at 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Title: na Designation: na DOB: a) Approximately 1962 b) 1961 POB: a) Nalgham village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Sangesar village, Panjway District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Saleh Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 4 Nov. 2010 (amended on 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Has run an organized smuggling network in Kandahar and Helmand provinces, Afghanistan. Previously operated heroin processing laboratories in Band-e-Timor, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Has owned a car dealership in Mirwais Mena, Dand District in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Arrested in 2008-2009 and in custody in Afghanistan as at 2011. Linked by marriage to Mullah Ubaidullah Akhund Yar Mohammad Akhund (TI.A.22.01). Belongs to Kakar tribe.
Name: 1: RAHMATULLAH 2: KAKAZADA 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: Consul General, Taliban Consulate General, Karachi, Pakistan DOB: 1968 POB: Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Rehmatullah b) Kakazada Low quality a.k.a.: Mullah Nasir Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000952 issued on 7 Jan. 1999 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, as of May 2007. Head of an intelligence network. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Suleimankheil tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL RAUF 2: KHADEM 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Commander of Central Corps under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Between 1958 and 1963 b) Approximately 1970 POB: a) Azan village, Kajaki District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mullah Abdul Rauf Aliza Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Member of the Taliban Quetta Shura as at 2009. Taliban member responsible for Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan, as at 2011. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: KHAIRULLAH 2: KHAIRKHWAH 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: a) Governor of Herat Province under the Taliban regime b) Spokesperson of the Taliban regime c) Governor of Kabul Province under the Taliban regime d) Minister of Internal Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Arghistan District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwah b) Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa, born in Kandahar on 01 Jan.1967 Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: In custody of the United States of America as at 2010. Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Minister of Interior Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Chief of Kabul Police under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, in the area bordering Chaman District, Quetta, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council as at June 2008. Deputy of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01) as at Mar. 2010. Involved in drug trafficking. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: JAN MOHAMMAD 2: MADANI 3: IKRAM 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Charge d'Affaires, Taliban Embassy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates DOB: 1954-1955 POB: Siyachoy village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 15 Aug. 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Alizai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ZIA-UR-RAHMAN 2: MADANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Logar Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1960 POB: Taliqan, Takhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ziaurrahman Madani b) Zaia u Rahman Madani c) Madani Saheb d) iya' al-Rahman Madani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 1 Feb. 2008, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Involved in drug trafficking. Taliban member responsible for military affairs in Takhar province, Afghanistan, as of May 2007. Facilitated fund raising in the Gulf on behalf of the Taliban since 2003. Also facilitated meetings between Taliban officials and wealthy supporters and arranged for more than a dozen individuals to travel to Kabul, Afghanistan, for suicide attacks. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL LATIF 2: MANSUR 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Agriculture under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan b) Garda Saray District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdul Latif Mansoor b) Wali Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012, 18 May 2012) Other information: Member of Taliban Miram Shah Shura, as of May 2007. Taliban Shadow Governor for Logar Province as of late 2012.Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Sahak tribe (Ghilzai). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMADULLAH 2: MATI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Public Works under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1961 POB: Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mawlawi Nanai Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Lost one leg in 1980s. Interim leader of Taliban Supreme Council from February to April 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Isakzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MATIULLAH 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Director, Kabul Custom House under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: Daman District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL QUDDUS 2: MAZHARI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Education Attache, Taliban Consulate General, Peshawar, Pakistan DOB: 1970 POB: Kunduz Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Akhtar Mohammad Maz-hari (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number SE 012820, issued on 4 Nov. 2000 National identification no.: na Address: Kushal Khan Mena, District Number 5, Kabul, Afghanistan Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: FAZL MOHAMMAD 2: MAZLOOM 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Deputy Chief of Army Staff of the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1963 and 1968 POB: Uruzgan, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Molah Fazl b) Fazel Mohammad Mazloom Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008) Other information: na
Name: 1: FAIZULLAH 2: KHAN 3: NOORZAI 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: a) 1966 b) 1961 c) Between 1968 and 1970 d) 1962 POB: a) Lowy Kariz, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Kadanay, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan c) Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Faizullah Noor b) Faizullah Noorzai Akhtar Mohammed Mira Khan, (previously listed as) c) Hajji Faizullah Khan Noorzai; Haji Faizuulah Khan Norezai; Haji Faizullah Khan; Haji Fiazullah d) Haji Faizullah Noori Low quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Pazullah Noorzai b) Haji Mullah Faizullah Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Boghra Road, Miralzei Village, Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan b) Kalay Rangin, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Listed on: 4 Oct. 2011 (amended on 29 Nov. 2011, 1 Jun. 2012) Other information: Prominent Taliban financier. As of mid-2009, supplied weapons, ammunition, explosives and medical equipment to Taliban fighters; and raised funds for the Taliban, and provided training to them, in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region. Has previously organized and funded Taliban operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. As of 2010, travelled to and owned businesses in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. Belongs to Noorzai tribe, Miralzai sub-tribe. Brother of Malik Noorzai (TI.N.154.11.). Father's name is Akhtar Mohammed (a.k.a.: Haji Mira Khan).
Name: 1: NAZIR MOHAMMAD 2: ABDUL BASIR 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Mayor of Kunduz City b) Acting, Governor of Kunduz Province under the Taliban regime DOB: 1954 POB: Malaghi Village, Kunduz District, Kunduz Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Nazar Mohammad (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 18 May 2012) Other information: Alternative title: Sar Muallim. Reportedly deceased on 9 November 2008. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD SHAFIQ 2: MOHAMMADI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Governor of Khost Province under the Taliban regime b) Governor General of Paktia, Paktika, Khost and Ghazni Provinces under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1948 POB: Tirin Kot District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Hottak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL KABIR 2: MOHAMMAD JAN 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Second Deputy, Economic Affairs, Council of Ministers under the Taliban regime b) Governor of Nangarhar Province under the Taliban regime c) Head of Eastern Zone under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a) Pul-e-Khumri or Baghlan Jadid District, Baghlan Province, Afghanistan b) Neka District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: A. Kabir Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 20 Dec. 2005, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Active in terrorist operations in Eastern Afghanistan. Collects money from drug traffickers. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Member of the Taliban Supreme Council as at 2009. Belongs to Zadran tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD RASUL 2: AYYUB 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Nimroz Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1958 and 1963 POB: Robat village, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Gurg Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Quetta Shura. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Nurzay tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD WALI 2: MOHAMMAD EWAZ 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Ministry of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1965 POB: a) Jelawur village, Arghandab District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Siyachoy village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mohammad Wali (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Reportedly deceased in December 2006. Belonged to Ghilzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD YAQOUB 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Head of Bakhtar Information Agency (BIA) under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1966 POB: a) Shahjoi District, Zabul Province, Afghanistan b) Janda District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 1 Jun. 2012) Other information: Member of Taliban Cultural Commission. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Kharoti tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AMIR KHAN 2: MOTAQI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Minister of Education under the Taliban regime b) Taliban representative in UN-led talks under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Zurmat District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan b) Shin Kalai village, Nad-e-Ali District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Amir Khan Muttaqi Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Supreme Council as at June 2007. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Sulaimankhel tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDULHAI 2: MOTMAEN 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Directorof the Information and Culture Department in Kandahar Provinceunder the Taliban regime b) Spokesperson of the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1973 POB: a) Shinkalai village, Nad-e-Ali District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Zabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Supreme Council and spokesperson for Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01) as of 2007. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Kharoti tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Mullah b) Haji Designation: Deputy Minister of Communication under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a)Ghorak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Nesh District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Allah Dad Tayyab b) Allah Dad Tabeeb Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Popalzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: NAJIBULLAH 2: MUHAMMAD JUMA 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Consul General, Taliban Consulate General, Peshawar, Pakistan DOB: 1958 POB: Zere Kohi area, Shindand District, Farah Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Najib Ullah Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number 000737, issued on 20 Oct. 1996 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 23 Apr. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Peshawar Military Council as at 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Title: Mullah Designation: Deputy Minister of Civil Aviation under the Taliban regime DOB:Approximately 1975 POB: a) Lakhi village, Hazarjuft Area, Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan b) Laki village, Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan c) Lakari village, Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan d) Darvishan, Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan e) De Luy Wiyalah village, Garmsir District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Naeem Barech b) Mullah Naeem Baraich c) Mullah Naimullah d) Mullah Naim Bareh e) Mohammad Naim, (previously listed as) f) Mullah Naim Barich g) Mullah Naim Barech h) Mullah Naim Barech Akhund i) Mullah Naeem Baric j) Naim Berich k) Haji Gul Mohammed Naim Barich l) Gul Mohammad m) Haji Ghul Mohammad n) Gul Mohammad Kamran o) Mawlawi Gul Mohammad Low quality a.k.a.: Spen Zrae Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 9 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Member of the Taliban Military Commission as of March 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Barich tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: NIK MOHAMMAD 2: DOST MOHAMMAD 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Commerce under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1957 POB: Zangi Abad village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Nik Mohammad (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: HAMDULLAH 2: NOMANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Minister of Higher Education under the Taliban regime b) Mayor of Kabul City under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Sipayaw village, Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Supreme Council. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: ALEEM 3: NOORANI 4: na
Title: Mufti Designation: First Secretary, Taliban Consulate General, Karachi, Pakistan DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MALIK 2: NOORZAI 3: na 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: na DOB: a) 1957 b) 1960 POB: Chaman border town, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: Hajji Malik Noorzai; Hajji Malak Noorzai; Haji Malek Noorzai Low quality a.k.a.: a) Haji Maluk b) Haji Aminullah Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Boghra Road, Miralzei Village, Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan b) Kalay Rangin, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar province, Afghanistan Listed on: 4 Oct. 2011 (amended on 29 Nov. 2011, 1 Jun. 2012) Other information: Taliban financier. Owns businesses in Japan and frequently travels to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. As of 2009, facilitated Taliban activities, including through recruitment and the provision of logistical support. Believed to be in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Noorzai tribe. Brother of Faizullah Khan Noorzai (TI.M.153.11.).
Name: 1: NURULLAH 2: NURI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Governor of Balkh Province under the Taliban Regime b) Head of Northern Zone under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1958 b) 1 Jan. 1967 POB: Shahjoe District, Zabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Norullah Noori Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: In custody of the United States of America as at 2011. Belongs to Tokhi tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL MANAN 2: NYAZI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: a) Governor of Kabul Province under the Taliban regime b) Governor of Balk Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Pashtoon Zarghoon District, Herat Province, Afghanistan b) Sardar village, Kohsan District, Herat Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdul Manan Nayazi b) Abdul Manan Niazi Low quality a.k.a.: a) Baryaly b) Baryalai Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Herat, Farah and Nimroz provinces as at mid-2009. Member of the Taliban Supreme Council and Quetta Shura. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Niazi tribe. Involved in transporting suicide bombers to Afghanistan. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: Mullah Designation: na DOB: a) 1 Jan. 1985 b) 1981 POB: Quetta, Pakistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Ahmed Shah Noorzai b) Haji Ahmad Shah c) Haji Mullah Ahmad Shah d) Maulawi Ahmed Shah e) Mullah Mohammed Shah Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: Pakistani passport number NC5140251, issued on 23 Oct. 2009 expires on 22 October 2014 National identification no.: Pakistani national identity card number 54401-2288025-9 Address: Quetta, Pakistan Listed on: 26 Feb. 2013 Other information: Owns and operates the Roshan Money Exchange (TE.R.11.12.). Provided financial services to Ghul Agha Ishakzai (TI.I.147.10.) and other Taliban in Helmand Province. Alternative title is Maulavi.
Name: 1: MOHAMMED 2: OMAR 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Leader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan DOB: a) Approximately 1966 b) 1960 c) 1953 POB: a) Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan b) Noori village, Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Left eye missing. Brother-in-law of Ahmad Jan Akhundzada Shukoor Akhundzada (TI.A.109.01). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Hotak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL JABBAR 2: OMARI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Baghlan Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Zabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Mullah Jabbar b) Muawin Jabbar Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Hottak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM 2: OMARI 3: na 4: na
Title: Alhaj Designation: Deputy Minister of Frontier Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: Garda Saray, Waza Zadran District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Ibrahim Haqqani Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Jul. 2011, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Brother of Jalaluddin Haqqani (TI.A.40.01) Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Mullah b) Maulavi Designation: Minister of Justice under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1963 b) Approximately 1955 c) 1956 POB: a) Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Chora District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan c) Dehrawood District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Noor ud Din Turabi Low quality a.k.a.: Haji Karim Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Deputy to Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Mullah b) Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Education under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Darzab District, Faryab Province, Afghanistan b) Qush Tepa District, Jawzjan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdussalam Hanifi b) Hanafi Saheb Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 27 Sep. 2007, 1 Feb. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Jawzjan Province in Northern Afghanistan until 2008. Involved in drug trafficking. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: FAZL 2: RABI 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: Senior official in Konar Province during the Taliban regime DOB: a) 1972 b) 1975 POB: a) Kohe Safi District, Parwan Province, Afghanistan b) Kapisa Province, Afghanistan c) Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan d) Kabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Fazl Rabbi b) Fazal Rabi c) Faisal Rabbi Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Jan. 2012 (amended on 31 May 2013) Other information: Represents and provides financial and logistical support to the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.), which is based in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Member of the Taliban Financial Council. Has travelled abroad to raise funds on behalf of Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.), Jalaluddin Haqqani (TI.H.40.01.), the Haqqani network and the Taliban. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Repatriation Attache, Taliban Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan DOB: a) 1970 b) 1967 POB: Turshut village, Warduj District, Takhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000933 issued in Kabul on 13 Sep. 1998 National identification no.: Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 55130 Address: Khairkhana Section Number 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Involved in drug trafficking. Belongs to Tajik ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: YAR MOHAMMAD 2: RAHIMI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Minister of Communication under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1953 POB: Taluqan village, Panjwai District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council as at 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Nurzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD HASAN 2: RAHMANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Governor of Kandahar Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a) Deh Rawud District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan b) Chora District, Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Gud Mullah Mohammad Hassan Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Has a prosthetic right leg. Member of Taliban Supreme Council and a deputy of Mullah Mohammed Omar (TI.O.4.01) as of Mar. 2010. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Achakzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: HABIBULLAH 2: RESHAD 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Head of Investigation Department, Ministry of Security (Intelligence) under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Waghaz District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Deputy Head (Intelligence) of the Quetta Military Council as of 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDULHAI 2: SALEK 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Uruzgan Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1965 POB: Awlyatak Village, Gardan Masjid Area, Chaki Wardak District, Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 24 Mar. 2009, 29 Nov. 2011, 18 May 2012) Other information: Reportedly deceased in North Afghanistan in 1999. Belonged to Wardak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: HAMDULLAH 2: SUNANI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Head of Dar-ul-Efta (Fatwa Department) of Supreme Court under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1923 POB: Dai Chopan District, Zabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Sanani (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Reportedly deceased in 2001. Belonged to Kakar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: NOOR MOHAMMAD 2: SAQIB 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: Chief Justice of Supreme Court under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1958 POB: a) Bagrami District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan b) Tarakhel area, Deh Sabz District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council and Head of Taliban Religious Committee. Belongs to Ahmadzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Security (Intelligence) under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1962-1963 POB: Gelan District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ehsanullah Sarfadi b) Ehsanullah Sarfida (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 13 Feb. 2012) Other information: As of mid-2007, he provided support to the Taliban in the form of weapons and money. Belongs to Taraki tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: SADUDDIN 2: SAYYED 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Alhaj c) Mullah Designation: a) Vice-Minister of Work and Social Affairs under the Taliban regime b) Mayor of Kabul City under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Chaman District, Pakistan b) Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Sadudin Sayed b) Sadruddin Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Barakzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL WALI 2: SEDDIQI 3: na 4: na
Title: na Qari Designation: Third Secretary, Taliban Consulate General, Peshawar, Pakistan DOB: 1974 POB: Zilzilay village, Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000769 issued on 2 Feb. 1997 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL WAHED 2: SHAFIQ 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Governor of Kabul Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 20
Name: 1: SAID AHMED 2: SHAHIDKHEL 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Education under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1975 POB: Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 20 Dec. 2005, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: In July 2003 he was in custody in Kabul, Afghanistan. Released from custody in 2007. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Andar tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: Minister of Civil Aviation and Transportation under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1960 b) 1966 POB: Band-e-Timur village, Maiwand District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Akhtar Mohammad Mansour Khan Muhammad b) Akhtar Muhammad Mansoor c) Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor Low quality a.k.a.: Naib Imam Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number SE-011697 issued on 25 Jan. 1988 in Kabul, expired on 23 Feb. 2000 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 1 Feb. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Involved in drug trafficking as of 2011, primarily through Gerd-e- Jangal, Afghanistan. Active in the provinces of Khost, Paktia and Paktika, Afghanistan as of May 2007. Taliban "Governor" of Kandahar as of May 2007. Deputy to Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (TI.B.24.01) in the Taliban Supreme Council as of 2009. Taliban official responsible for four southern provinces of Afghanistan. Following the arrest of Mullah Baradar in February 2010 he was temporarily-in-charge of the Taliban Supreme Council. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Ishaqzay tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: SHAMSUDDIN 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: a) Maulavi b) Qari Designation: Governor of Wardak (Maidan) Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: Keshim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Pahlawan Shamsuddin Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: SHAMS 2: UR-RAHMAN 3: ABDUL ZAHIR 4: na
Title: a) Mullah b) Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Agriculture under the Taliban regime DOB: 1969 POB: Waka Uzbin village, Sarobi District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Shamsurrahman b) Shams-u-Rahman c) Shamsurrahman Abdurahman Low quality a.k.a.: Shams ur-Rahman Sher Alam Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: a) Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 2132370 b) Afghan national identification card (tazkira) number 812673 Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 12 Apr. 2010, 29 Nov. 2011, 18 May 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Involved in drug trafficking. Belongs to Ghilzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL SAMAD 2: ACHEKZAI 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 1970 POB: Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Samad Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 2 Mar. 2012 Other information: Senior Taliban member responsible for the manufacturing of improvised explosive devices (IED). Involved in recruiting and deploying suicide bombers to conduct attacks in Afghanistan.
Name: 1: ADAM KHAN 2: ACHEKZAI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: na DOB: a) 1970 b) 1972 c) 1971 d) 1973 e) 1974 f) 1975 POB: Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Maulavi Adam Khan b) Maulavi Adam Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan Listed on: 16 Apr. 2013 Other information: Improvised explosive device manufacturer and facilitator for the Taliban. Taliban member responsible for Badghis Province, Afghanistan, as at mid - 2010. Former Taliban member responsible for Sar-e Pul and Samangan Provinces, Afghanistan. As Taliban military commander in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, he was involved in organizing suicide attacks in neighboring provinces. Associated with Abdul Samad Achekzai (TI.A.160.12.).
Name: 1: ABDUL GHAFAR 2: SHINWARI 3: na 4: na
Title: Haji Designation: Third Secretary, Taliban Consulate General, Karachi, Pakistan DOB: 29 Mar. 1965 POB: Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000763, issued on 9 Jan. 1997 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Safi tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: na Designation: Third Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan DOB: 1963 POB: Jani Khel District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Mohammad Sarwar Siddiqmal (previously listed as) Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: Afghan identification card (tazkira) number 19657 Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Belongs to Mangal tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: a) Deputy Minister of Public Health under the Taliban regime b)Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Qala-e-Abbas, Shah Mazar area, Baraki Barak District, Logar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Paktia Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: a) Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan b) Khost Province, Afghanistan c) Siddiq Khel village, Naka District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011, 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Taliban member responsible for Nangarhar Province as at 2011. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Zadran tribe. Close associate of Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haggani (TI.H.144.07). Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 1 Jun. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL RAQIB 2: TAKHARI 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Minister of Repatriation under the Taliban regime DOB: Between 1968 and 1973 POB: Takhar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of Taliban Supreme Council responsible for Takhar and Badakhshan provinces as at Dec. 2009. Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Tajik ethnic group. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: WALIJAN 2: na 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Governor of Jawzjan Province under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1968 POB: a) Quetta, Pakistan b) Nimroz Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Member of the Taliban Gerd-e-Jangal Shura and Head of the Taliban Prisoners and Refugees Committee. Belongs to Ishaqzai tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Maulavi b) Haji Designation: Commercial Attache, Taliban Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan DOB: 1962 POB: Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Nazirullah Aanafi Waliullah Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 000912, issued on 30 Jun. 1998 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: ABDUL-HAQ 2: WASSIQ 3: na 4: na
Title: Maulavi Designation: Deputy Minister of Security (Intelligence) under the Taliban regime DOB: a) Approximately 1975 b) 1971 POB: Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul-Haq Wasseq Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 31 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 3 Oct. 2008, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: In custody of the United States of America as at 2011. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: AHMED JAN 2: WAZIR 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: Official of the Ministry of Finance during the Taliban regime DOB: 1963 POB: Barlach Village, Qareh Bagh District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmed Jan Kuchi b) Ahmed Jan Zadran Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 6 Jan. 2012 Other information: Key commander of the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.), which is based in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Acts as deputy, spokesperson and advisor for Haqqani Network senior leader Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.). Liaises with the Taliban Supreme Council. Has travelled abroad. Liaises with and provides Taliban commanders in Ghazni Province, Afghanistan, with money, weapons, communications equipment and supplies.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD JAWAD 2: WAZIRI 3: na 4: na
Title: na Designation: UN Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1960 POB: a) Jaghatu District, Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan b) Sharana District, Paktia Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 23 Feb. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011, 18 May 2012) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Wazir tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 23 Jul. 2010.
Title: a) Maulavi b) Mullah Designation: na DOB: a) Approximately 1976 b) Approximately 1979 POB: Tang Stor Khel, Ziruk District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Sangin b) Sangin Zadran c) Sangeen Khan Zadran d) Sangeen e) Fateh f) Noori Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 16 Aug. 2011 (amended on 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Shadow Governor for Paktika Province, Afghanistan, and commander of the Haqqani Network, a Taliban-affiliated group of militants that operates in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Senior lieutenant to Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.). Alternative spelling of title (a): Maulvi. Belongs to Kharoti tribe.
Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: ZAHED 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Taliban regime DOB: Approximately 1963 POB: Kharwar District, Logar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Rehman Zahid Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 18 Jul. 2007, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 21 Jul. 2010.
Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: ZAHID 3: na 4: na
Title: Mullah Designation: Third Secretary, Taliban Embassy, Islamabad, Pakistan DOB: 1971 POB: Logar Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: Afghan passport number D 001206, issued on 17 Jul. 2000 National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 (amended on 3 Sep. 2003, 25 Jul. 2006, 21 Sep. 2007, 29 Nov. 2011) Other information: Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 29 Jul. 2010.
Name:1: ABDUL RAUF 2: ZAKIR 3: na 4: na
Title: Qari Designation: na DOB: Between 1969 and 1971 POB: Kabul Province, Afghanistan Good quality a.k.a.: Qari Zakir Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na Listed on: 5 Nov. 2012 (amended on 31 May 2013) Other information: Chief of suicide operations for the Haqqani Network (TE.H.12.12.) under Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.) and in charge of all operations in Kabul, Takhar, Kunduz and Baghlan provinces. Oversees training of suicide attackers and provides instructions on how to construct improvised explosives devices (IEDs).
Liste der Organisationen, welche mit den Taliban in Verbindung gebracht werden
A.k.a.: a) Haji Khairullah Money Exchange b) Haji Khair Ullah Money Service c) Haji Salam Hawala d) Haji Hakim Hawala e) Haji Alim Hawala f) Sarafi-yi Haji Khairullah Haji Satar Haji Esmatullah g) Haji Khairullah-Haji Sattar Sarafi h) Haji Khairullah and Abdul Sattar and Company F.k.a.: na Address: a) Branch Office 1: i) Chohar Mir Road, Kandahari Bazaar, Quetta City, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan; ii) Room number 1, Abdul Sattar Plaza, Hafiz Saleem Street, Munsafi Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan iii) Shop number 3, Dr. Bano Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan iv) Office number 3, Near Fatima Jinnah Road, Dr. Bano Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan v) Kachara Road, Nasrullah Khan Chowk, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan vi) Wazir Mohammad Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan; b) Branch Office 2: Peshawar, Khyber Paktunkhwa Province, Pakistan; c) Branch Office 3: Moishah Chowk Road, Lahore, Punjab Province, Pakistan; d) Branch Office 4: Karachi, Sindh Province, Pakistan; e) Branch Office 5: i) Larran Road number 2, Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan ii) Chaman Central Bazaar, Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan f) Branch Office 6: Shop number 237, Shah Zada Market (also known as Sarai Shahzada), Puli Khishti area, Police District 1, Kabul, Afghanistan, Telephone: +93-202-103386, +93-202-101714, 0202-104748, Mobile: +93-797-059059, +93-702-222222, e-mail: helmand_exchange_msp@yahoo.com g) Branch Office 7: i) Shops number 21 and 22, 2nd Floor, Kandahar City Sarafi Market, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan ii) New Sarafi Market, 2nd Floor, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan iii) Safi Market, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan h) Branch Office 8: Gereshk City, Nahr-e Saraj District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan i) Branch Office 9: i) Lashkar Gah Bazaar, Lashkar Gah, Lashkar Gah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan ii) Haji Ghulam Nabi Market, 2nd Floor, Lashkar Gah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan j) Branch Office 10: i) Suite numbers 196-197, 3rd Floor, Khorasan Market, Herat City, Herat Province, Afghanistan ii) Khorasan Market, Shahre Naw, District 5, Herat City, Herat Province, Afghanistan k) Branch Office 11: i) Sarafi Market, Zaranj District, Nimroz Province, Afghanistan ii) Ansari Market, 2nd Floor, Nimroz Province, Afghanistan l) Branch Office 12: Sarafi Market, Wesh, Spin Boldak District, Afghanistan m) Branch Office 13: Sarafi Market, Farah, Afghanistan n) Branch Office 14: Dubai, United Arab Emirates o) Branch Office 15: Zahedan, Iran p) Branch Office 16: Zabul, Iran Listed on: 29 Jun. 2012 (amended on 13 Aug. 2012) Other information: Pakistan National Tax Number: 1774308; Pakistan National Tax Number: 0980338; Pakistan National Tax Number: 3187777; Afghan Money Service Provider License Number: 044. Haji Khairullah Haji Sattar Money Exchange was used by Taliban leadership to transfer money to Taliban commanders to fund fighters and operations in Afghanistan as of 2011. Associated with Abdul Sattar Abdul Manan (TI.A.162.12.) and Khairullah Barakzai Khudai Nazar (TI.K.163.12.).
A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na Address: na Listed on: 5 Nov. 2012 Other information: Network of Taliban fighters centred around the border between Khost Province, Afghanistan and North Waziristan, Pakistan. Founded by Jalaluddin Haqqani (TI.H.40.01.) and currently headed by his son Sirajuddin Jallaloudine Haqqani (TI.H.144.07.). Other listed members include Nasiruddin Haqqani (TI.H.146.10.), Sangeen Zadran Sher Mohammad (TI.Z.152.11.), Abdul Aziz Abbasin (TI.A.155.11.), Fazl Rabi (TI.R.157.12.), Ahmed Jan Wazir (TI.W.159.12.), Bakht Gul (TI.G.161.12.), Abdul Rauf Zakir (TI.Z.164.12.). Responsible for suicide attacks and targeted assassination as well as kidnappings in Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan. Linked to Al-Qaida (QE.A.4.01.), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (QE.I.10.01.), Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (QE.T.132.11.), Lashkar I Jhangvi (QE.L.96.03.), and Jaish-IMohammed (QE.J.19.01.).
A.k.a.: a) Rahat Trading Company b) Haji Muhammad Qasim Sarafi c) New Chagai Trading d) Musa Kalim Hawala F.k.a.: na Address: a) Branch Office 1: Room number 33, 5th Floor, Sarafi Market, Kandahar city, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan b) Branch Office 2: Shop number 4, Azizi Bank, Haji Muhammad Isa Market, Wesh, Spin Boldak, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan c) Branch Office 3: Safaar Bazaar, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan d) Branch Office 4: Lashkar Gah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan e) Branch Office 5: Gereshk District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan f) Branch Office 6: Zaranj District, Nimroz Province, Afghanistan g) Branch Office 7: i) Dr Barno Road, Quetta, Pakistan ii) Haji Mohammed Plaza, Tol Aram Road, near Jamaluddin Afghani Road, Quetta, Pakistan iii) Kandahari Bazaar, Quetta, Pakistan h) Branch Office 8: Chaman, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan i) Branch Office 9: Chaghi Bazaar, Chaghi, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan j) Branch Office 10: Zahedan, Zabol Province, Iran Listed on: 21 Nov. 2012 (amended on 27 Jun. 2013) Other information: Rahat Ltd. was used by Taliban leadership to transfer funds originating from external donors and narcotics trafficking to finance Taliban activity as of 2011 and 2012. Owned by Mohammed Qasim Mir Wali Khudai Rahim (TI.Q.165.12.). Also associated Mohammad Naim Barich Khudaidad (TI.N.13.01.).
A.k.a.: a) Roshan Sarafi b) Roshan Trading Company c) Rushaan Trading Company d) Roshan Shirkat e) Maulawi Ahmed Shah Hawala f) Mullah Ahmed Shah Hawala g) Haji Ahmad Shah Hawala h) Ahmad Shah Hawala F.k.a.: na Address: a) Branch Office 1: i) Shop number 1584, Furqan (variant Fahr Khan) Center, Chalhor Mal Road,Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan ii) Flat number 4, Furqan Center, Jamaluddin Afghani Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan iii) Office number 4, 2nd Floor , Muslim Plaza Building, Doctor Banu Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan iv) Cholmon Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan v) Munsafi Road, Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan vi) Shop number 1, 1st Floor, Kadari Place, Abdul Samad Khan Street (next to Fatima Jena Road), Quetta, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan b) Branch Office 2: i) Safar Bazaar, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan ii) Main Bazaar, Safar, Helmand Province, Afghanistan c) Branch Office 3: i) Haji Ghulam Nabi Market, Lashkar Gah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan ii) Money Exchange Market, Lashkar Gah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan iii) Lashkar Gah Bazaar, Helmand Province, Afghanistan d) Branch Office 4: Hazar Joft, Garmser District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan e) Branch Office 5: Ismat Bazaar, Marjah District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan e) Branch Office 6: Zaranj, Nimruz Province, Afghanistan f) Branch Office 7: i) Suite number 8, 4th Floor, Sarafi Market, District number 1, Kandahar City, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan ii) Shop number 25, 5th Floor, Sarafi Market, Kandahar City, Kandahar District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan g) Branch Office 8: Lakri City, Helmand Province, Afghanistan h) Branch Office 9: Gerd-e-Jangal, Chaghi District, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan i) Branch Office 10: Chaghi, Chaghi District, Baluchistan Province, Pakistan j) Branch Office 11: Aziz Market, in front of Azizi Bank, Waish Border, Spin Boldak District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Listed on: 29 Jun. 2012 Other information: Roshan Money Exchange stores and transfers funds to support Taliban military operations and narcotics trade in Afghanistan.

1   Der Text dieser Resolutionen ist unter www.un.org/en/sc/documents/resolutions in englischer Sprache abrufbar.

2   Ingress abgeändert durch LGBl. 2013 Nr. 207.

3   Art. 2 Abs. 1 abgeändert durch LGBl. 2013 Nr. 278.

4   Art. 2 Abs. 2 abgeändert durch LGBl. 2013 Nr. 278.

5   Anhang abgeändert durch LGBl. 2011 Nr. 527, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 10, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 52, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 64, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 78, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 155, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 160, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 168, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 222, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 228, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 247, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 253, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 336, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 369, LGBl. 2012 Nr. 382, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 13, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 32, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 91, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 116, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 179, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 186, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 207, LGBl. 2013 Nr. 235 und LGBl. 2013 Nr. 315.